HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd Приложения

Age Calculator 3.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
The best age finder app that helps you find the answer to yourquestion of "How old are you?" within the blink of eyes. Hence, wecould proudly say that, this age bot is the best feasible way forfinding the right chronological age. Age Calculation: This agefinder app, apart from helping in finding "How old am I?", alsoprovides your age in years, minutes and hours. Find your nextbirthday: With this online next birthday calculation tool, youcould know how many days are left for the next birthday of yours oryour dear ones. Free download and use this age calculator app andto keep track of the days left for the anniversary or any specialoccasions. Birthday notifications: This online application allowsyou to save the date of birth(s) of your friends or dear ones, withwhich it gives you the birthday notification before 5 days of thebirthday. Attractive features: - Age calculation in years, minutesand hours. - Shows your next birthday date. - Save option forsaving DOB's. - Birthday notfications - Every 100th day and 1000thday notification from your DOB. Hurry and free download this 'Howold am I' app to enjoy more features other than chronological agecalculations. Since this app is designed based on the formula,hence we could assure you for the reliable results.
Tiny Make Line 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Make a vertical line by simply touch thescreen when the dancing cell on each row meets together in 30secs.
HIOXINDIA.com Mobile App 3.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
HIOX INDIA Mobile App using which customers ofhioxindia.com can access their account details, get renewalnotifications, search for new domain and place orders for newdomain registration and web hosting.
RBC Distribution Width Calci 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
The Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW)Calculator is to measure of the variation of red blood cell (RBC)width that is reported as part of a standard complete bloodcount.
Activity Points Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Online health calculator which helps tocalculate the daily activity points of weight watchers (ww).
Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Criteria 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
This online medical calculator is usedtocalculate the Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Criteria (ADA)
FiO2 Estimation Calculator 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
FiO2 Estimation Calculator is used to (FiO2)fraction of inspired oxygen in a gas mixture.
Bruce Protocol Stress Calci 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
The bruce test is the commonly used treadmillexercise stress test .Vo2 Max Calculator tests the athlete's health in terms ofcardiovascular fitness and resistance levels.Treadmill Stress Test is calculated based on the principle of Bruceprotocol.Bruce Protocol Treadmill Stress Test is used to monitor thedevelopment of the athlete's general endurance.
Body Shape Calculator 2.4
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Use this online body shape calculator to find what type of body(straight, pear, spoon, hourglass, top hourglass, invertedtriangle, oval, diamond) you have.
Fluid Resuscitation Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Burn, Trauma Fluid Resuscitation Calculatorisused to estimate the fluid resuscitation in burns and traumabasedon the slater's estimate. 
Food Recipe Calorie Counter 2.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Free online nutrition calculator that helpsyou to find out the nutrition facts of your favourite foodrecipes.
Blood Sugar/Glucose Converter 2.4
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Blood Sugar Glucose Converter to convert blood glucose level inmg/dL to mmol/L Blood sugar levels and concentration of glucose inthe blood are usually measured in mg/dL and mmol/L. Blood glucoselevel conversion is done based on mg/dL (Milligrams per 100millilitres). Blood Sugar Glucose Converter for Diabetes : 1 mg/dL= 1/18.15 mmol/L (i.e) 0.055 mmol/L (Millimoles per litre).
Blood Sugar Converter Calci 2.3
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Blood sugar converter that converts glucoselevel from mg/dL to mmol/L units.Blood sugar unit converter is essential for diabetes patients tomonitor their blood glucose level.mg/dl to mmol/L converter is used in medicine for measuringconcentration of substances in the blood in different units.
Bicarbonate Deficits Calci 2.4
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Bicarbonate Deficits Calculator to calculateHCO3 deficits in patients with metabolic acidosis.The HCO3 deficiency is caused by excessive organic or inorganicacids in the body.Enter your weight, desired and actual HCO3 to calculate your HCO3using this medical calculator.mEq/L bicarbonate helps to prevent blood from acidic.Make use of this bicarbonate deficiency calculator to determineyour total body HCO3 deficiency.
GFR Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) canbecalculated by measuring any chemical that has a steady level intheblood, and is freely filtered but neither reabsorbed norsecretedby the kidneys
Aldrete Score Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Aldrete Score Calculator : Medical PostAnesthesia Recovery Score CalculationAldrete Score Calculator is used to calculate the recovery score ofanesthesia patient for discharge availability.
ASA Classification Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
ASA Classification Calculator - Assessthe physical fitness status of a patient before a surgery.ASA stands for American Society of Anesthesiologists. Thissimple ASA Physical Classification System android app is useful formedical analysts to assess if the patient should have a surgery ornot.
WW Points Plus Calculator 3.4
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Calculate the daily weight watchers (ww)points using the new pointsplus formula which takes into accountthe nutritional value rather than just its caloric value.
HardyWeinberg Equilibrium Calc 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
In this calculator, Hardy-Weinbergequilibriumcan be used to calculate the expected commonhomozygotes, expectedheterozygotes, expected rare homozygotes andthe frequency range ofthe 2 (p and q) alleles from the observedgenotypes.
Pregnancy Diabetes Calculator 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Online health diet calculator, which helpswomen to calculate the BMI, IBW, ABW, BMR, Weight Gain, Caloriesneeded during pregnancy period.
Blood Alcohol Content Calci 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Blood Alcohol Content Calculator is used tofind the percentage of alcohol in your bloodstream.
ABPI Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index Calculator isused to estimate if a person is subjected to the peripheral arterydisease (PAD).
Urine Protein Excretion Calc 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
This calculator estimates the excretionofamount of proteins in the urine in 1 day.
VO2 Max Calculator 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Oxygen Consumption calculator to estimate the maximum capacity ofthe body to transport and utilize during incremental exercise
Live Cricket Score @ CricRuns 1.4
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Fastest live cricket updates on yourmobilefrom cricruns.comApp also provides options to get wicket alert.
Blood Volume Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Blood Type Calculator to fnd out the bloodgroup of a child from that of the parents.Blood Type Child Parental Calculator : The combination of motherand father blood group results you with the blood type of thechild.Determine the baby blood group from parents such as combination ofABO and Rhesus blood group using this blood type calculator.
Parkland Formula Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
The Parkland formula is used for fluidreplacement of burn injuries for the first 24 hours.
App Title US 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Bacon ipsum
Target Pulse Rate Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Target pulse Rate/ Heart BeatCalculatorcalculates a very close approximation of a targettedmaximum heartbeat to be monitored during exercise.
APGAR Score Calculator 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
APGAR Score Calculator is used to assess thehealth of newborn children immediately after child birth.
Child Pediatric Dosage Calculi 1.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Child Pediatric Dosage Calculator to calculatechildren's dosage in mg, mcg, cg or kg.Pediatric Dosage Calculator calculates child pediatric dose usingYoung's RuleEnter your child's age, average adult dose for the estimation ofPediatric drug dose.Note: The results are just for the reference. It is advised toconsult a medical specialist or doctor for accurate analysis andcalculations.
Astrand Cycle Fitness Calci 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Astrand Cycle Fitness Test Calculator :Estimate Vo2 and Vo2 Max.Astrand test calculator app to predict estimated VO2 and Vo2 Max asa result of Astrand-Rhyming Submaximal Cycle ErgometerTest.
Dextrose IV Fluid Calculator 1.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Dextrose IV Fluid Calculator to estimate the dextrose IV(Intravenous) fluid target concentration. Calculate DextroseIntravenous Target Concentration from solutions such as D50, D70,D25, D10, D5 and H2O. Dextrose intravenous infusion is calculatedfor both Dextrose solution and concentration (cc).
Aortic Valve Area Calculator 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
The area of the aortic valve (AVA) is used formeasuring the severity of the Aortic stenosis (AS).
Incidence Rate of Disease Calc 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Calculate incidence rate of disease basedontotal number of new cases of specific disease and totalpopulationat risk using this online calculator.
Disease Prevalence Rate Calci 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Online calculator to calculate thediseaseprevalence rate with the known values.
Metabolic Acidosis Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Metabolic Acidosis Calculator is usedtocalculate the Acidosis Compensation in the kidney
Blood Type Calculator 2.3
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Blood Type Calculator to fnd out the blood group of a child fromthat of the parents. Blood Type Child Parental Calculator : Thecombination of mother and father blood group results you with theblood type of the child. Determine the baby blood group fromparents such as combination of ABO and Rhesus blood group usingthis blood type calculator.
ETT Size Estimation Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Endotracheal Tube (ETT) calculator is usedtoestimate the size of the endotracheal tube based on thepatient'sage by selecting the dosage.
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Want to find out when your baby is due? Use our online PregnancyDue Date Calculator. Pregnancy Calculator: Find baby's expecteddate of delivery(EDD) by entering your last menstural date andaverage days of period per cycle. Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)Calculator will tell you when you can expect to meet your baby!Find pregnancy conception date and EDD using this due datecalculator.
Infuse Dose Rate Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Infuse Dose Rate Calculator helps to infuseapatient with a drug over a relatively long period of time.
Medication Cost calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
The Medication Cost calculator is usedtocalculate the cost of prescriptions based on years,monthsordays.
Acetaminophen dosage Calci 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Acetaminophen dosage Calculator : Know howmuch Tylenol or Acetaminophen to give your child or infant.Acetaminophen pediatric dosing varies by child's age andweight.The Acetaminophen paracetomol dosage calculator uses Liquid PODosage (LD) Formula.Make use of this Oral Liquid Pharmaceutical Dosage calculator tofind the correct dosage of medicine to treat your kids from feveror pain.
Adrenal Adenoma Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Adrenal Adenoma Calculator - Findabsolute and relative washout with pre-contrast, post-contrast anddelayed HU values.A simple handy adrenal washout calculator app that can beused to find the washout values in order to diagnose adrenaladenoma.
Cirrhosis Calculator 2.2
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Child turcotte Pugh(CTP) Score or Child PughScore is used to find the severity of cirrhosis in a child.
Pediatric Urine Output Calci 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Pediatric urine output calculator to findtheminimum appropriate urine output in adults and childrren.
ANC Calculator-EasyCalculation 2.1
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Absolute Neutrophil Count Calculator measuresthe number of the neutrophils
Tiny Click Only Red 2.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Brain, Eye and hand coordination game.Clickonly as many red color boxes in 30 seconds.
INR calculator 2.5
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
INR Calculator : InternationalNormalized Ratio Calculation for reporting blood coagulation testresults.
Prothrombin Time Calculator 1.0
HIOX Softwares Pvt Ltd
Prothrombin Time Calculator to calculatetheactual time taken for an anticoagulated sample of blood toclotafter added to a thromboplastin reagent.